  • 29-01-2021 14:16

EU/Presidency: Portuguese parliament approves increase in EU's resources for recovery fund

Lisbon, Jan. 29, 2021 (Lusa) – The Portuguese parliament on Friday approved, with no votes against, an increase in the European Union's own resources, an essential step for the European Commission to finance the €750 billion post-Pandemic recovery fund.

The draft resolution was adopted with positive votes from the PS, PSD and PAN and with the abstention of BE, PCP, CDS, ENP, Chega, Iniciativa Liberal and the non-attached MPs Joacine Katar Moreira (ex-Livre) and Cristina Rodrigues (ex-PAN).

The ratification of the decision on new resources by all the parliaments of the 27 member states is essential for the European Commission to go to the markets to raise the 750 billion euros that will finance the "Next Generation EU" recovery fund.

